Friday, February 20, 2015

Valentine's Day Fun!

Valentine's Day in kindergarten is always a fun day! Here are some pictures of our fun filled day...

At some point in the day the kids started growing colored facial hair... I figured I would join in on the fun too. Where else can you wear a big bushy pink mustache?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

100th Day of School!

Happy 100th day of school! We made it! Together, we survived 100 days of kindergarten. We celebrated by dressing up as 100 year olds or wearing shirts that had 100 items glued on it. We all had a FUN day!

I have the best group of kids! Not to mention the cutest kids. They are full of personality and make my days so enjoyable. What's the old saying... "choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Well, thanks to ALL of my kiddos, that is exactly how I feel!  Looking back at the year, I wouldn't change a thing. Thank you to all of my parents that have helped make this a great year. I have awesome volunteers and support. Thank you for all that you do! The rest of the year is going to fly by so get ready!

Not only did we celebrate the 100th day of school... We celebrated Mrs. Wilkinson's 85 birthday! What a beautiful lady! Mrs. Wilkinson was my principal when I was in 1st-4th grade. It is an honor to teach at her school!