Kindergarten Goals

Key skills for the beginning of Kindergarten:
1) Able to write first name with a capital in the front.
2) Able to identify upper and lower case letters in random order.
3) Able to identify numbers to 20.
4) Able to count objects to 10.
5) Identify colors and basic shapes.

New Key Skills for your Kindergartner at mid year mark:
1) Able to write first and last name with capital at only the beginning and no reversals.
2) Able to identify upper and lower case letters in random order.
3) Able to identify the sounds of the 26 letters.
4) Able to identify 15+ kindergarten sight words.
5) Able to identify numbers to 20 in random order.
6) Able to write numbers called randomly to 20.
7) Able to count objects to 20.
8) Able to identify which number is more or less with objects, pictures of sets, and numerals to 10.
9) Able to identify colors and basic shapes.
10) Able to count aloud to at least 50. (End of year is 100)

Key skills for your kindergartner by the end of the year: All of the above as well as...
1) Read a DRA 6 or higher
2) Count to 100
3) Rhyme words 
4) Identify how many syllables are in a spoken word
5) Construct and use basic graphs
6) Complete simple addition and subtraction problems to 10
6) Blend sounds together to build words
7) Write a story that makes sense,matches a picture drawn by student, and has at least three sentences.
8) Comprehend a story read. Answer questions about the story and retell the story in correct order.
9) Read all 35 sight words

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