Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Wilkinson Story Book Pumpkin Patch

Some of our class participated in the Story Book Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Everyone did great! We have some very creative kiddos!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Red Ribbon Week 2015!

Yesterday was the kick off to Red Ribbon Week 2015! Our school is joining in on a nation wide campaign to have kids say No! to drugs. This is when the kids will learn that drugs are bad for your body and mind. They each made a pledge to NEVER do drugs.

Monday, they wore neon colors to show that they are to bright to do drugs. We also had a CISD police officer and his drug dog Bronco come visit our class.

Tuesday, they dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up. As long as they stay away from drugs they can be anything they want! We have future cops, veterinarians, stylists, rock stars, bakers, football players, and teachers!

This Wednesday the kids wore camo so drugs won't find them. We talked about how nature's camo was animal print so some kids decided to go in that direction. :)

This week we are learning the difference between fiction books and non-fiction books. Today's lesson was really fun and the kids did a great job! We made an anchor chart as a whole group to sort books. Then, the kids made their own T-Chart to choose and sort 10 books into fiction and non-fiction groups. They all did a great job. 

On Thursday we gave drugs the boot! 

I asked for a "little sass" and this is what I got! Ha! They are so cute  :)

Here are the macho boys in my class!

On Friday the kiddos showed their team spirit by wearing their favorite team shirt.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

We are up and running!

Hello parents! As you can see I have been busy today getting this blog going. I apologize for taking so long this year. We had camera issues, log in trouble, and a little bit of pregnancy brain... I hope to keep you updated on all of the fun hands on activities we do through pictures. We have a lot of fun learning in this room! Enjoy, feel free to leave comments, and come back soon to see more!

Read for a Better Life!

For our Read For A Better Life day we had a very special visitor come read to our class...BATMAN! Needless to say, the kids LOVED it and the other classes were a little green with envy! Thanks Batman! You saved our day.  :)

Kindergarten also had a very special visitor come read. Mrs. Bonnie Wilkinson herself was here to read a story. All of kindergarten loved meeting this sweet lady!

Working Together

In kindergarten one of the big things we will continue working on all year is team work and taking turns. It's great to be a leader but it's also takes a strong person to sit back and let someone else try without taking over. These pictures show us doing just that!