Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hoppy Easter!

I hope everyone had a happy Easter this year. We did here in Kinder. We didn't let a little mud ruin our egg hunt here at school. We made our own Easter baskets in class and had a great time celebrating together. Thanks to Addison's mom and Evan's dad for helping out. We appreciate all the help we can get on fun days like this.

Friday, March 11, 2016


Yee Haw! Yesterday was kindergarten RODEO day! We had a boot stompin' good time even with the rain. My station was TEXAS BINGO so most of the pictures are of the kids playing bingo. However, we had horseshoes, stick horse races, wagon races, face painting, and line dancing happening in the hallway. Chili is our state dish so we had a chili cook off today. Thanks to everyone who pitched in and helped make the past two days special memories for the kids. We had a lot of family member come celebrate our great state today to kick off spring break.  Our chili was fantastic today. Teachers from all over the school were sneaking in to get a bowl full.

Thank you to Aurelia's sweet mom for sending me pictures from today's chili cook off. I was so busy I forgot to take pictures. If you have any pictures too please send them in and I will post them.

                         Happy Friday to everyone out there and have a safe spring break!